We believe Steps to Strides is a place to stand proud. A place where everyone feels especially empowered. Where everyone is connected and thrives. Every child is a taonga, treasure. They join us with their own strengths, interests, family culture and values. In partnership we contribute our love, knowledge and respect to foster the growth of each child so that their strengths and inherent abilities shine through. Learning is something we highly value. We actively work to inject fun into our everyday experiences, environment and relationships as we create planned and spontaneous experiences that promote the development of resilience, creativity, curiosity, agility, social competence and connectedness, all essential lifelong learning skills.
Our centre is a home with a huge backyard. This is what makes us special and unique. Your children will feel like they have spent the day at home with people who care about them and enjoy their company and contributions. Our programme is responsive to each child’s needs and interests. The children even plan the menu choosing from their favourite foods. From the youngest to the eldest they are the designers of their play.
Our team have a combined wealth of over 35 years’ experience and includes highly trained, qualified teachers and students in training. We also bring together multiple cultures and are fluent in a number of languages. We think it is essential that all of our teachers have a relationship with each of the children, because that sense of safety and wellbeing is so important.
I have been involved in ECE for more than 30 years. First as a parent in Playcentre and then teaching before branching out into leadership roles. I am a Qualified (BTchECE) Fully Registered Teacher. I am absolutely passionate about developing warm, trusting relationships with the whole family. We have the absolute privilege of spending quality time with your child and being part of your village.
Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:30PM
Monday to Friday
8:00AM to 5:30PM
We prefer a minimum enrolment of three days per week but individual arrangements can be made. We offer the government 20 hours ECE subsidy for children over 3 years of age. And family discount of 10% applied to the eldest child's fees when 2 or more children from the same family attend full time (4 -5 days).
All figures include GST and are subject to change
Ample parking at the bottom of the driveway. Please respect our neighbours and keep to the right hand side of the driveway.